PhD Supervision
Ongoing: 3 students at NTU
Completed: 1 student at Oxford
Examples of completed projects:
Social bonding among children in joint physically active play​
Master's Supervision​
Completed: 8 students in Applied Child Psychology (NTU), Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health (NTU), and Developmental Disorders (UoN) programmes
Examples of completed projects:
Social bonding in children through dance as a medium
Temporal disorientation and mental wellbeing in the aftermath of COVID-19
Post-traumatic growth in adults who have grown up with a parent with a mental illness
Undergraduate Supervision
Ongoing: 8 psychology students at NTU
Completed: 11 students at NTU and Johns Hopkins University
Examples of completed projects:
How do different forms of play affect academic and social learning?​
A socio-cognitive model of evolutionary play behaviour: The effect of smiling and cooperative games on trust perceptions
Creative group play, empathy and its relationship with wellbeing in 6-10-year-olds
​Selected Talks​
** Please note: Due to lack of access to free travel and impossible-to-get visa appointments, I have been unable to attend academic events outside of the UK since January 2020. **
UPCOMING - April 2024: Talk at the Experimental Psychology Society Conference, UK
October 2023: Invited speaker at University College London Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, UK
Movement alignment and social interactions in autism
September 2023: Invited speaker at Approaches to Understanding Dyadic Interactions Workshop, UK
​​Measuring alignment in social interaction studies
May 2023: International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Sweden
​​Specificity of motor imitation difficulties in autistic children
November 2022: Invited speaker at Oxford Brookes University, UK
​​What can dance do against rising loneliness and mental health problems in young people?
June 2022: International Conference on Social Identity and Health (ICSIH-5), UK
Social alignment and mental wellbeing in the pandemic
January 2022: Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Hungary​
Chicken and egg? Unravelling the links between over-imitation and social affiliation ​
October 2021: Invited speaker at Nottingham Trent University, UK
Social bonding and movement alignment in children and autism​
May 2021: Public seminar at TORCH, University of Oxford, UK
It'll never work on Zoom: learnings in online participation​
January 2021: Invited speaker at Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Germany
Has social distancing become a social norm?
November 2020: Invited speaker at University College London, Action & Body Group, UK
Why do people adhere to Covid-19 guidelines: Insights from a global study
May 2019: International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Canada
Measuring imitation ability in autism using dynamic time warping applied to a dance video game task​
Chameleon effect in autism: Decreased mimicry of body movements in social interaction contexts
Tell me more: Storytelling in autism reflects motor, executive, and social impairments
March 2019: Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), USA
Taking it slow: reduced tempo training improves dance movement imitation in children with autism
May 2018: Invited speaker at the University of Manchester, Body, Eyes and Movement (BEAM) Lab, UK
Inter-personal movement synchrony and social bonding across development
June 2017: Society for Philosophy and Psychology 43rd Meeting, USA
Inferring social affiliation from synchronous movements​
June 2016: Aegina Summer School, Greece
Movement synchrony facilitates social bonding across group divides​​
Professional development talks (2017 - pres.): Psikologlar Akademi, TAF Network, Avcilar Evrim Atolyesi, Ege University Psychology Society​
Examples from the undergraduate- and graduate-level classes that I give:
Developmental Psychology (1st and 2nd year undergraduate level)
Quantitative Research Methods (1st and 2nd year undergraduate level)
Evolutionary Psychology (3rd year undergraduate level)
Social Communication in Autism (3rd year undergraduate level)
Social and Cognitive Development in Childhood (Master's level)
Psychological and Behavioural Difficulties in Childhood (Master's level)